Tuesday 7 January 2014

How to Protect Your Website from Google Penalty

Everyone in Internet Marketing world is well aware of Google Algorithm updates and what problem it has caused last year and early this year. People are scared of getting their online business boomed!

In this blog post, I will suggest a few ways to protect your website from Google penalty and play safe within the search engine.

High Quality Links

You need to understand the fundamentals of link building. It is not about how many links you’re building but the quality of the links you’re building. Sometimes, one high value link is worth thousands of low quality spammy links. I always used to analyze websites and blogs which are ranking high for their desired keywords. Most of the websites and blogs have reputable links from authority sites of their related niche which helps them to stay on top.

I understand most of the newbies out there are misguided and spending their money on Fiverr services and other individual services that spams thousands of wiki links, forum links, blog commenting and other so called “gray-hat SEO” methods.

Anchor Density

Google Penguin update focuses more on anchor density of your keywords used within your blog or website. You need to be aware of this matter and the safest way is to keep your anchor density around 12% to 15% for every new link being built. However, I’ve witnessed websites having an anchor density of their main keyword up to 50% without any damage to their website.

There are high possibilities, after the Google Algorithm change that is going to be released soon, the site might get badly hurt! So if you notice your anchor density is getting higher quickly change them and reduce the percentage through Semantically Related Keywords.

Link Ratios: Why they are important?

I always never bothered about link ratios until one of my close friend, suggested to keep an eye on the Link ratios as it will definitely make changes on SERP’s as the Google Algorithm is being updated frequently.

What aspects you need to see when it comes to Link ratio:

Link type : Text vs Mentions vs Images
Link Location: Paragraph vs Link List vs In Content vs Sidebar vs Header
Domain Niche/Theme :  Business vs Technology vs Reference vs News vs Portals
Site Type: General vs Blog vs CMS vs Social Network vs Link Directory
For an example if Social Network has more links built compared to Link directory and other web 2.0 properties, you should balance it with the other options available by creating alternate links!

Sign up For Google Webmaster Tools Account

I have witnessed so many website owners I had consulted never bother to know what Google Webmaster Tools is and how it can help them in monitoring their website! In 2013, this is very important…

The Google Webmaster tool always helps you in identifying problematic links and remove the low quality and negative links that might harm your website.  In some cases, Google-bot might have difficulties in crawling your website.

Basically, Google Webmaster Tool will help you in minimizing small errors that might lead to your decrease in rankings within the search Engine!

Stay Away From Spammy Links

No matter how many times I warned my clients from using services from Fiverr for link building still they would never listen and still get their ass busted and come back to me and asking for a solution.

Come on guys, think for yourself practically, is it possible to create even a 100 quality link within Fiverr… If it’s possible I don’t mind shutting down all my websites and SEO services and let the Fiverr Gigs do the job.

Fiverr gigs promises hundreds and thousands of wiki links, blog comment and etc but they are software generated and that is what we call “negative” link building which will destroy your website.

If you people out there, still don’t want to listen go on buy Fiverr Gigs for $5 and get your website penalized!

Reasons Why You’ll Continue to Fail as a Blogger in 2014

The year 2014 is upon us and the blogosphere is already filled with predictions of the hottest trends for the next 12 months.

Internet marketing gurus are unveiling new strategies for the post Google Panda era, while bloggers are trying to find new ways to make more money online.

In short, things are moving quickly.

One thing, however, that will remain constant this year as well, is your fate as a blogger.

Yes, you’ll continue to fail.

Like every year, you’ll see countless new blogs enter the digital world and become success stories. You’ll add tens of new bloggers to your mentor list and download numerous new eBooks in the hope of learning the secret of making money online.

But guess what, nothing will change.

You’ll spend another miserable year in front of your computer screen wondering what all the fuss is about.

Here are 5 reasons why 2014 will be another year full of failures for you as a blogger.

1. You Do Not Have a Fixed Blogging Schedule

Do you know about the most critical thing in building up real life relationships?

It’s called staying-in-touch!

And blogging is no different.

If you publish 5 posts in one week and then stay silent for the next two months, then forget about building a relationship with your readers.

Google also keeps a close eye on your blog’s posting frequency and is more likely to rate regular publishers much higher.

No matter how frequently you publish on your blog, you need to have a fixed blogging schedule. Don’t wait for a killer idea or a spark of creativity to create your next post.

Consistency is one of the biggest challenges in blogging and following a fixed schedule is one of the best solutions for it.

You’ll hardly find any successful blogger who doesn’t have at least a rough posting schedule.

So if you continue to trick yourself with an “open” blogging schedule, then 2014 will be another year of zero blogging relationships and poor search engine traffic.

2. Your Blog Does Not Have a Voice

Have you ever wondered why most people sleep half way through college lectures and corporate presentations?

It’s because dry and boring information fails to engage people.

That is why presenters and lecturers who add personality to their talks find much more success even with some of the most uninterested audiences.

This is what’s missing from your content as well.

It’s just plain, dry and boring information that nobody wants to know.

Your content has no voice, no personality and nothing to relate with.

Continue doing that and be prepared for another year of comment-less posts and social media shares by your family members only.

3. You Still Write for Google

Some of your favorite things as a blogger are submitting posts to article directories, commenting on blogs for backlinks and writing keyword rich posts that Google loves, right?

Unfortunately, your kind was ditched by Google mid-way last year. These things don’t work anymore.

Google knows you’re only trying to win favors by using your target keywords in each line of your articles.

But of course you can continue to follow the SEO gurus who’ve somehow managed to find a tiny loophole in Google algorithms that they’re using to drive crazy traffic to their websites.

And you have the ever reliable article spinning tools at your disposal as well.

Who writes for people anyway?

4. You Have No Plans to Build Your Mailing List

Throughout 2013, you published hundreds of posts that attracted thousands of visitors to your website. Only a handful, however, subscribed to your mailing list.

This is one of the secrets behind your continued failure to make money from blogging.

2013 was the year when subscriber lists were needed the most. Blogs and online businesses with a healthy number of subscribers successfully recovered from all the major Google search engine updates and traffic pits.

And 2014 will be no different.

In fact, there’s every chance that mailing lists might soon become the only organic source of traffic generation for blogs and websites.

As the saying goes, money is in the list.

You, however, still seem to disagree and, as a result, will continue to suffer.

 5. You Are Not an Aggressive Marketer

Whatever I’ve said about you aside, you still are a pretty good writer.

When you get your head down and focus, you churn out awesome content. Unfortunately, nobody reads it.

Because the world doesn’t know you exist.

All successful bloggers are aggressive marketers as well. This aggression not only reflects through the various promotional strategies that they adopt, but also in the structure and the voice of their content.

They reach out to their target readers using strategies like guest blogging, email marketing, Facebook advertisements and networking.

You, however, continue to believe that sharing the links of your posts on your Facebook and Twitter profiles is enough to get visitors.

You believe that the sheer quality of your content is enough to drive Google crazy, and would force the few readers that you have to spread your content to every corner of the web.

You’re wrong, of course, and, as a result, would continue to waste your hard written content.


The blogosphere is changing rapidly, with new marketing strategies and new ways of making money online. All you need to do, in order to succeed as a blogger, is to sync yourself with the demands of modern blogging trends and start thinking like a real life marketer instead of just being a narrow minded keyword spammer.

Guide To Creating Great Blog Posts That Engage Readers

In this guide, I will walk you on how to create great post to engage readers and build loyal readers. You might ask why is it so important to write great content? Creating quality content is the most important strategy when it coms for growing your blog readership. When done correctly a great post will get you more email subscribers, great ranking positions, and more people will recognize you as an expert of your field. A great strategy for attracting more visitors to your website is providing great pieces of content they will want to share with others. The next step is figuring out how to create content that visitors will be coming back for more.

Write Compelling Content Your Audience Will Love

How can you write compelling content for your audience? The secret of writing compelling content is providing information that normally others in your field would charge a fee. When you write engaging content and provide solutions for a problem you will stand out from the competition. The key in building an audience is by providing your visitors with epic content that nobody else is doing at the moment. Are you struggling to get your blog noticed especially in a crowded niche? The main way to get instant attention in any niche is by writing compelling content. Since I have address how to build an engaging audience let’s get started with how to stand out from your competition.

Finding Content Ideas

Are you worried that your message is getting ignored? A lot of us suffer from content creation. We all run out of ideas on what to write about. I will explain in this guide various ways to help you find new topics to write about and share my strategies in creating compelling content.

#1 Writing List

A terrific way to get attention from your audience is by writing a great list. Many people think writing informational post presented on a list are cliché. I personally think if you compose a terrific list post is a great attention grabber. When writing a post list make sure you take the time to create a massive list of great resources your audience can’t find elsewhere. Many of my readerships love writing list because of the massive information they receive in just a single article.

An example of a post list headline would be:

“20 Ways To Make Money Online”

#2 Case Studies

Another great way to increase engagement in your existing blog is creating case studies. Case studies are a great way to expose your brand to a larger audience. Readers love when you can share your experiences through a case study since it provides a blueprint for them to follow. Case studies are also a great method in becoming recognized as an expert in your field. Being perceived as an expert is crucial to building and engaging your audience.

An example case study headline will be:

“How I Made Money With Facebook Ads In 30 Days By Testing Different Ads, Details Inside”

#3 Ultimate Resource List

Finding useful resources online on one easy spot is difficult task. By creating an ultimate master list of resources will help your audience save time from finding the resources themselves. The ultimate resource list should be compose of valuable content not found very easily online and usually information that is been charged by others in your niche. When writing a resource list make sure you take your time in coming up with the top information that fills your audience needs.

The ultimate resource list usually has headlines like the following:

“The Ultimate Affiliate Guide List”

#4 Writing About Influential People

On every field there are influential people that are expert on their niche. A great way to achieve credibility is building relationship with influential people on your niche. If you do it right, a round up post can be part of a strategy that can give you credibility because you are writing about the different strengths of influential people. It is an effective way to build reputation among your readers.

An influential post headlines can be:

“The Most Influential Bloggers of 2013”

#5 Glossary of Terms

Developing a glossary of terms for your niche is a great way to help newcomers. The glossary terms will guide newcomers on terms they might be confused and help them become successful in their niche. Taking time out to help your audience understand everything about your niche will help you gain credibility. Many people make the mistake of thinking that everyone understands the lingo of their niche. It is important that you provide a place for your readership to learn everything possible on your niche and creating a glossary of terms is a great way to help. The glossary of terms will be greatly appreciated by your readership.

#6 How Value Affects Business

A terrific way to engage your audience is to show a clear expectation of your values. I personally make it a point to tell others that my blog is a place where you can stop to find solutions for online marketing. I also make sure to have an about me page which focuses on telling my customer upfront what my site is about and what they can expect from me. This helps my readership get to know me and build authenticity on my blog.

#7 Tell Engaging Stories

I love telling engaging stories about my blogging mistakes. By telling engaging stories it helps me instantly become more personal, conversational, and engaging. The key is writing meaningful stories that will engage your audience to learn from your mistakes and not waste their time.

Here is an example of an engaging story of, “How To Increase Page Rank The Safe Way” (The post goes into details of how I rank my blog from PR 0 to PR 2 in 5 months)

#8 Interview An Expert

A terrific way to drive traffic to your website is by interviewing experts in your field. Interviewing subject matter experts will help build credibility and drive more traffic to your website. Targeting an expert in your field will help you grow your readership audience and help you gain insight into the minds of some of the most successful people on your field. Grow your blog with the power of experts!

#9 Multimedia Content

A very effective way to increase traffic is to give visitors a reason to return. Another way to drive traffic is using multimedia content. There are many various types of multi media content. The multi media includes graphic image files, video clips (YouTube), and podcasting. Podcasting has had an increasingly growth in the past year. In the podcast, you can add multi media presentation, picture perfect images, and video files. I personally love listening to podcast since they are so personal and you can use at any given time. Podcasting is best when done in multiple stages and formats. I suggest doing a whole series in small segments.

#10 Answering Questions

I personally like asking my audience questions or concerns they might have about my niche. Listening to my audience and answering their questions helps me engage with my audience and build credibility on my field. Learning how to listen to your audience will help you become aware of what they need and grow your blogger community. Another way to grow your blog is developing a relationship with your audience.

#11 Current Events

Another common way to drive traffic to your website is writing about current niche events. Write posts about events happening in your related niche. This will help your audience be up to date with any current events and help you gain a stronger readership. A marketing strategy that works for me, it’s letting my subscriber list know of any special events happening in the related field by sending out a blast email. You can also create a special tab on your website with current events.

#12 Place A Contest

If you want to drive more traffic to your site and run more attention to your brand holding a contest is another way to engage your readership. When placing a contest is important to create hype and should be linked all over the place. Placing a contest will help you engage your audience and drive a few new visitors to your site. When I place a contest on my site I like to add a sign up box where the reader must register to sign up for the giveaway. Make sure to keep the sign up process simple for example, enter your name and email address.

Why run a contest?

1. Encourage People To Visit Your Website
2. Word Of Mouth Marketing
3. Build Your Email List
4. Build New Relationships
5. Source Of Data

I want to address, “Source of Data” running a contest is a great way to collect data. The data will help you analyze where you receive the most interaction. This collective data will give you valuable information to learn more about your consumers and what social media outlets drove more traffic.

#13 How To Article

One of the most effective ways to bring attention to your website is writing “how to” articles. Writing an article that people actually want to read from start to finish can be quite challenging. I personally love “how to” articles because the reader is aware of a problem and by the end of the post they find the solution. The “how to” articles will give your readership a blueprint of how to fix a problem.

A “how to” article headline will read:

How To Train Your Dog To Potty In 6 Simple Steps

#14 Survey Your Audience

Running a consumer survey on your website is a great way to know what you audience needs. It gives growing businesses the opportunity to capture real-time customer feedback. There are many tools you can use to collect feedback from your website visitors. The surveys will help you improve your audience experience and develop a successful website. Insights from customer surveys support increased levels of customer loyalty satisfaction and are effective means of communication and identifying trends.

Advantages of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

1. Up To Date Feedback
2. Benchmark Results
3. Show That Your Care

These are 14 ways to create engaging post that will engage readers. If you have any additional ways you engage your audience please share in the comment area!